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Showing posts from April, 2015

Structure, structure, structure! Underlining

***I will update this post as soon as I can with photos. Unfortunately my phone broke recently and I lost all of my underlining photos! It has been a busy few months and progress on the fancy jacket has been slow...I apologize to those of you who have been following the project! I have been doing some sewing but unfortunately it has been focused mostly on a quilt I'm making a friend for a wedding gift - there's a deadline! However, I have underlined my jacket recently and you're overdue for a project update! Without further ado... Underlining helps a garment to curve toward your body, it rounds it to give it more shape. It's commonly confused with interlining, including at the fancy local fabric store I sometimes visit, which is used to add warmth to a jackets, for example. The underlining goes between your wool fashion fabric and your silk lining. For your underlining, I would suppose you could use almost any woven cotton fabric? Not really sure about that. I...